Hybrid work investments to strengthen culture and wellbeing

Aug 10, 2022

New office reception in Madrid

August 10, 2022

Boston Scientific colleagues are reconnecting and collaborating following significant investments in key sites across EMEA as the region emerges from the pandemic.  After a two year absence from the office, colleagues are returning to modern workplaces with well-being facilities and are being re-energised by in-person interactions that are vital to solve healthcare challenges.

Since 2016, the company has invested €50 million in EMEA real estate upgrades to enhance well-being, flexible working, and collaboration in response to changing employees’ and business needs.  People expected to have bright, open and collaborative places to work from and at the same time, the business was driving ambitious carbon reduction targets.

According to research from McKinsey1 , as colleagues balance health, family, and work-life balance, they are seeking inclusive workplaces that cultivate relationship building and are thoughtful about driving diversity, equity, and inclusion. Results from internal surveys that Boston Scientific has carried out during the pandemic show that the hybrid work model - combining office and remote working - offers a key opportunity to provide a more tailored employee experience. Major themes that have emerged in the survey findings are ways to facilitate team building and supporting work-life balance.  

“After listening to our employees about how to work better together coming out of COVID-19, we are championing hybrid work, remote, and in-person collaboration,” said Karine Rolland-Roumegoux, vice president of EMEA HR. “Our well-being survey revealed that 78 percent of our people say they have found a new balance and are doing well. We’re excited to be meeting each other face to face again. In our connected workplace, we can attract and retain talent that now have different expectations about what they want from work, their employer, and how they can best meet their personal and professional commitments.”  

Employees want to see progress in the company reducing its environmental footprint. At end of 2021, 62 percent of the company’s regional real estate was certified as green. The Dusseldorf office, which opened in March 2022, has secured DGNB certification from the German Sustainable Building Council, which is the country’s recognition of sustainable spaces. Parking spots are available for electric cars there and at the Madrid office. Boston Scientific has expanded manufacturing operations at the Galway site with a 100 million investment in a 40,000 square foot of medical device manufacturing space powered by renewable energy.   

With 50 percent of EMEA employees concerned about their physical health, one area of investment is the installation of on-site gyms in many of the region’s offices, such as Milan, Galway, Dusseldorf and Madrid. An upgrade of the Madrid office has also taken place with an outside terrace for employees to socialise.   

Supporting the company’s ambition to expand in growth and emerging markets, investments have also been made in establishing a new physical footprint in places like United Arab Emirates (Dubai) and Saudi Arabia (Riyadh).  

Equipped with state- of-the-art training facilities in Madrid, physicians and other healthcare professionals can receive expert training and guidance on Boston Scientific products and safe implant techniques in person and virtually. The site has a wide range of virtual reality simulators, diagnostic tools and models to simulate realistic clinical situations.




1 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/hybrid-work-making-it-fit-with-your-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-strategy 
