Boston Scientific devices GreenLight XPS™ and Rezūm™ fast tracked for NHS funding
More UK patients with Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPE) should now have improved access to these treatments thanks to inclusion in medtech funding pathway

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, UK., Mon 4 April, 2022– Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) is pleased to announce the inclusion of two innovative devices in this year’s NHS MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM) Policy. The GreenLight XPS™ Laser Therapy System and Rezūm™ Water Vapour Therapy System treat benign prostatic enlargement - also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - a common condition which describes having an enlarged prostate and typically affects men over 50 years old[1]. It is currently estimated that up to three million men in the UK have lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH[2].

The MedTech Funding Mandate was introduced to accelerate the uptake of selected cost-saving medical devices, diagnostics and digital products in the NHS, meaning patients should get access to these technologies faster. Each product or device must also have been reviewed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which both GreenLight Laser Therapy[3] and Rezūm Water Vapour Therapy[4] were in 2016 and 2020 respectively, and demonstrate cost savings within one year.

Previously, treatment for BPH has included either medication, which requires daily use, or surgery, such as Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (known as TURP), which could mean having to stay in hospital for up to three days[5]. Alternative treatment options such as the GreenLight XPS System and Rezūm System can be performed in a shorter  timeframe than a traditional treatment such as TURP, and patients are able to have the treatment and return home the same day[6]. This also has less impact on NHS costs and on the environment; it is estimated that up to 13kg of total waste is generated per patient per day in hospital[7].

Symptoms of BPH can include a frequent need to urinate with multiple visits to the toilet during the night and difficulty fully emptying the bladder. In some men the symptoms are mild, but others are more severely affected.

“As you get older, things do become more difficult and who wants anything to get in the way of their quality of life, especially when you love what you do and want to keep doing it,” said Charles Ellis. “Around the age of 52 I started needing to go to the loo more often and found myself becoming quite distressed when I couldn’t easily find one. I heard about water vapour therapy on the radio and after doing my own research, had the treatment done. I’m really happy now – I don’t need to think about if there’s a loo nearby all the time.”

The GreenLight XPS System works by using a laser to rapidly heat and then vaporize the excess prostate tissue. The Rezum System differs as it delivers small amounts of steam to the enlarged prostate; this damages the cells causing the obstruction and reduces the prostate size.

“We are delighted and proud that both GreenLight and Rezum have been included in the MedTech Funding Mandate for 2022-23, it is great news for the many men in the UK who experience debilitating and at times embarrassing symptoms of BPH,” said Miguel Aragon, vice president, Urology and Pelvic Health, Boston Scientific. “In addition, GreenLight and Rezum provide long-lasting symptom relief, patients typically require only a short hospital stay and most men return to regular activities within a few days.”

As well as being NICE-recommended, each product included in the MTFM must also be cost-saving within three years and have a budget impact of no more than £20 million in any of the first three years. For more information about the MTFM, go to:NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative » The MedTech funding mandate (

For more information about BPH, GreenLight Laser Therapy or Rezum Water Vapour Therapy go to: MyProstateInfo Home (


About Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific transforms lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. As a global medical technology leader for more than 40 years, we advance science for life by providing a broad range of high performance solutions that address unmet patient needs and reduce the cost of healthcare. For more information, visit and connect on Twitter and Facebook.



Rosie Allan

Media Relations

07585 403359


[1] Benign prostate enlargement - NHS ( Last accessed 28 February 2022

[5] 180-W XPS GreenLight laser vaporisation versus transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic obstruction: 6-month safety and efficacy results of a European Multicentre Randomised Trial--the GOLIATH study - PubMed (

[6] Committee discussion | Rezum for treating lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia | Guidance | NIC

[7] Lee, Byeong-Kyu & Ellenbecker, Michael & Moure-Eraso, Rafael. (2002). Analyses of the recycling potential of medical plastic wastes. Waste management (New York, N.Y.). 22.461-70.10.1016/S0956-053X(02)00006-5.

