Living longer does not have to mean living worse off

Oct 20, 2022

Miguel, a very active, retired 70-year-old from Spain, is a typically well-informed patient.  A few months after his first symptoms, initially treated with medication, Miguel took a proactive approach to find a treatment with his doctor that better met his lifestyle, needs and preferences.

The impact of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

Across Europe, hundreds of men like Miguel suffer from Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, commonly known as BPH or enlarged prostate[1]. Therapy has traditionally included medications and surgical treatments[2], but as science advances, new options have become available.

Also, as information is more easily accessible, more and more patients are keen to be directly involved in the decision-making process.

Miguel was keen to understand all available options from his doctor so that he could find a treatment that would allow him to continue his active lifestyle and his sexual life. These parameters were carefully considered together with his doctor, and Water Vapor Therapy was identified as the best option. The procedure was carried out in an ambulatory setting two years ago.

Today, Miguel has returned fully to his active life and is keen to share with others the value of having open conversations when symptoms first arise.

“I’m aware of what I could had suffered, so I decided to take action early, before my BPH became more serious.” said Miguel, “Almost all my friends are going through the same, I know it is a common condition, and I keep reminding them of the importance of speaking openly to their doctor. Living longer does not have to mean living worse off".

Watch Miguel's full story below.

To learn more about BPH and hear the experience of other patients, visit

This was first published during November 2022.  Find out more about our ‘Behind the Moustache” campaign here.

[1] 1. Rees J, Bultitude M, Challacombe B. The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men. BMJ. 2014;348:g3861.
[2] 2. NHS. Treatment. Benign prostate enlargement. Available at: [Accessed February 2022].
