Press Releases
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Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Mar 16, 2017Extended battery life of Boston Scientific devices attributed to reduction in replacement procedures and complications; has potential for significant cost savings
Today, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued medical technology guidance recommending the use of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) cardiac resynchronization...
Mar 16, 2017Si ritiene che la durata prolungata della batteria dei dispositivi di Boston Scientific contribuisca alla riduzione degli interventi di sostituzione e delle complicanze e che possa potenzialmente determinare risparmi economici significativi
Oggi, il National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) ha emanato delle indicazioni mediche e tecnologiche nelle quali si consiglia l’uso dei defibrillatori per la terapia di...
Mar 16, 2017Die verlängerte Funktionsdauer der Geräte trägt zu einer Reduktion von Wechseleingriffen und damit verbundenen Komplikationen bei und kann so zu signifikanten Kosteneinsparungen führen
MARLBOROUGH, Mass., USA (16. März 2017) Das britische National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) hat heute Leitlinien zur Anwendung medizinischer Technologie herausgegeben, die für...
Mar 16, 2017El NICE recomienda los dispositivos TRC-D de Boston Scientific con batería ENDURALIFE™ para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca
El Instituto Nacional británico para la Salud y la Excelencia en la Atención médica (NICE) ha emitido una recomendación sobre tecnología médica a favor del uso de los desfibriladores con...
Feb 6, 2017
Introducing SmartCRT™ technology, providing MultiSite Pacing with up to 13.3 years battery life.i Boston Scientific Europe today announced the launch of the RESONATE™ cardiac resynchronisation...
Feb 6, 2017
Introduciamo la tecnologia SmartCRT™ che fornisce stimolazione multisito con una batteria la cui durata arriva a 13,3 anni1 Boston Scientific Europa ha annunciato oggi l’immissione sul mercato...
Dec 1, 2016Boston Scientific presenta el ureteroscopio digital flexible desechable LithoVue™ en EE.UU. y EuropaEl sistema desechable para la eliminación de cálculos permite obviar el mantenimiento, el reprocesado y la esterilización
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) ha anunciado hoy la presentación en EE.UU. y Europa de LithoVue™, un ureteroscopio digital, flexible y desechable, destinado a intervenciones...
Oct 14, 2016Boston Scientific has committed to serve as an official Global Partner for the World Thrombosis Day.
A year-long campaign recognized on 13 October, World Thrombosis Day focuses attention on the often overlooked and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. With thousands of educational events in...
Oct 14, 2016Boston Scientific has committed to serve as an official Global Partner for the World Thrombosis Day.
A year-long campaign recognized on 13 October, World Thrombosis Day focuses attention on the often overlooked and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. With thousands of educational events in...
Oct 13, 2016Boston Scientific has committed to serve as an official Global Partner for the World Thrombosis Day.
A year-long campaign recognized on 13 October, World Thrombosis Day focuses attention on the often overlooked and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. With thousands of educational events in...