Press Releases
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Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Sep 29, 2015Tanto el trabajo como la vida social y familiar se ven afectados por el asma grave; muchos pacientes refieren sentir ansiedad, depresión y aislamiento.
Boston Scientific ha revelado hoy los resultados de una encuesta exhaustiva, que muestra la verdadera carga y las dificultades diarias a las que se enfrentan las personas con asma en Europa....
Sep 28, 2015A media briefing with a difference: join us for this interactive session on severe asthma. Hear from Europe’s leading experts in asthma and visit our information stations to bring the story to life.
September 28, 2015, 18:30 – 20:00 Wyndham Apollo Hotel Amsterdam (15 minutes from the ERS Congress Venue, the Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre) Agenda 18:30 Welcome and scene...
Sep 28, 2015Work, social and family life all affected by severe asthma, many people report feelings of anxiety, depression and isolation as well
Boston Scientific today revealed results of a comprehensive survey which shows the true burden of severe asthma and the daily challenges faced by people with asthma in Europe. Uncovering Asthma, a...
Sep 28, 2015MAJESTIC Trial Data Support Strong Safety Profile with Low Target Lesion Revascularization Rate
New 12-month clinical trial outcomes assessing the safety and performance of the Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) Eluvia™ Drug-Eluting Vascular Stent System reflect a primary patency rate1 of more...
Sep 28, 2015Schweres Asthma beeinträchtigt Arbeits-, Sozial- und Familienleben, viele Patienten berichten von Angstgefühlen, Depressionen und Isolation.
Boston Scientific hat heute die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Umfrage zum tatsächlichen Ausmaß der Belastung durch schweres Asthma und den täglichen Herausforderungen von Asthma-Patienten in...
Sep 28, 2015Un incontro stampa che fa la differenza: ci auguriamo di averla nostro ospite alla sessione interattiva sull’asma grave, cui daranno il loro contributo i massimi esperti europei.
Lunedì 28 Settembre 2015 ore 18:30 – 20:00 Wyndham Apollo Hotel Amsterdam (a 15 minuti dalla sede del Congresso, dalla Amsterdam RAI Exhibition e dal Convention Centre) Agenda 18:30 Benvenuto...
Sep 28, 2015La vita professionale, sociale e familiare è condizionata dall’asma grave; molti pazienti riferiscono anche sensazioni di ansia, depressione e isolamento
Boston Scientific ha presentato oggi i risultati di un sondaggio su ampia scala che mostra il vero peso dell’asma grave e le difficoltà quotidiane affrontate dai pazienti affetti da asma in...
Sep 26, 2015
Results from clinical trials evaluating the Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) Lotus™ Valve System continue to show this advanced transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) therapy delivers...
Sep 10, 2015System includes first directional lead with current steering and expanded programming flexibility
Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) has received CE Mark for the Vercise™ Primary Cell (PC) Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) System. The Vercise PC System is intended to provide precise neural targeting...
Sep 9, 2015I benefici comportati dalla termoplastica bronchiale perdurano per anni, anziché per ore, diversamente da quanto accade col solo trattamento farmacologico.
Una tecnologia rivoluzionaria di Boston Scientific per il trattamento dell'asma grave si è dimostrata sicura ed efficace nell'arco di almeno cinque anni, secondo i dati pubblicati online da...
Aug 31, 2015
Boston Scientific welcomes the updated ESC guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death announced during ESC Congress 2015, the...
Aug 31, 2015
Boston Scientific accoglie l’aggiornamento delle linee guida ESC per la gestione dei pazienti affetti da aritmie ventricolari e per la prevenzione della morte cardiaca improvvisa annunciato...
Aug 31, 2015
Boston Scientific begrüßt die aktualisierten ESC-Leitlinien für die Behandlung von Patienten mit ventrikulären Arrhythmien und zur Prävention des plötzlichen Herztodes. Diese wurden während...
Aug 31, 2015
Boston Scientific da la bienvenida a la actualización de las directrices de la ESC para tratar a pacientes con arritmias ventriculares y para prevenir la muerte súbita cardíaca, anunciadas...
Aug 24, 2015
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) has received CE Mark on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) conditional labeling for the current family of EL (Extended Longevity) and MINI implantable...
Aug 24, 2015L’aggiornamento della documentazione consente la compatibilità retroattiva con le scansioni MRI per i sistemi ICD e CRT-D a più lunga durata del settore
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) ha ricevuto il marchio CE per la compatibilità con la risonanza magnetica per immagini (MRI) per le attuali famiglie di sistemi di defibrillatori...
Aug 24, 2015Die aktualisierte Indikation gewährleistet eine rückwirkende MRT-Kompatibilität der seit langem etablierten ICD- und CRT-D-Systeme
Die Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) hat das CE-Zeichnen für die MRT-Tauglichkeit der aktuellen implantierbaren EL- und MINI-Kardioverter-Defibrillatoren (ICD) sowie für die...
Aug 24, 2015La denominación actualizada permite la retrocompatibilidad con las pruebas de RM de los sistemas de DCI y CRT-D más duraderos del sector
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) ha recibido el marcado CE para su familia actual de desfibriladores cardioversores implantables (DCI) de larga duración (EL) y MINI, y del desfibrilador...
Aug 4, 2015
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) has closed on the previously announced agreement with Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL) to purchase the American Medical Systems (AMS)...
Aug 4, 2015
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) ha cerrado el acuerdo, previamente anunciado, con Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL) para la adquisición del negocio de andrología y salud...
Jul 22, 2015
First Guidewire Designed Specifically for TAVI/R Now Sized for Smaller Ventricles Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) announces CE Mark and FDA clearance for the Safari2™ Pre-Shaped Guidewire, a new...
Jun 23, 2015The new generation of subcutaneous defibrillators selected as most innovative in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.
MILAN, Italy, June 23, 2014 – Attendees of EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015, a global medical conference held recently in Milan, Italy, have selected the EMBLEM™ S-ICD System as the most...
Jun 23, 2015
Die Teilnehmer der EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015, einer globalen Konferenz, die kürzlich in Mailand stattfand, haben das EMBLEM™-S-ICD-System zum innovativsten Produkt zur Verbesserung der...
Jun 22, 2015
Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) has initiated a worldwide study to evaluate the rate and causes of shocks for patients implanted with the EMBLEM™ Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillator (S-ICD) for...
Jun 12, 2015Boston Scientific è lieta di invitarla alla presentazione stampa del nuovo sistema di protezione da morte cardiaca improvvisa “EMBLEM™” – defibrillatore impiantabile sottocutaneo (S-ICD)
SEGNI LA DATA IN AGENDA: 23 GIUGNO 2015 Milano Enterprise Hotel Corso Sempione, 91-93 20149 Milano, Italia Le presenteremo una esclusiva tecnologia salvavita. Il defibrillatore impiantabile...